About Me

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I am a licensed therapist with a thriving practice in Illinois. As a youth I didn't have any friends but as I got older I found ways to make people like me. Since then I have taken it upon myself to fix other peoples' friendship problems. I like to drive long distances in my car with no destination in mind, just until the gas runs out of my car. Afterwards, I will often abandon the car and walk home.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

My Children Have Questions About Death

Dear Richard,
My 5-year-old has been asking a lot of questions about dying, such as what happens when you die, do you see God, how old are you when you die.

Is this normal for the age? I never experienced this with my older child. We have not had a recent death in the family that might trigger these questions.  I’m very concerned.


Hey Jack,
Nothing to worry about!  I had a lot of questions about death when I was a kid too and I turned out fine.  

Also, my parents used to make me sleep in the graveyard when I got mouthy.

Dead Serious,


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