About Me

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I am a licensed therapist with a thriving practice in Illinois. As a youth I didn't have any friends but as I got older I found ways to make people like me. Since then I have taken it upon myself to fix other peoples' friendship problems. I like to drive long distances in my car with no destination in mind, just until the gas runs out of my car. Afterwards, I will often abandon the car and walk home.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Olympic Friend

SallyCaruthers8xxxx@cox.net to advisegi9@gmail.com
Dear Mr. Snarfin,
This is soooo crazy! My friend Chuck lives in Chi-Town but my in-laws are from Rio. I'm so exicited and I want to be happy for my relatives cause they just got the Olympics but I don't want to upset Chuck because Chicago didn't get it. What do I do?

Dear Idiot,
Here is a fact you may not have considered when sending me your insipid question: one day everyone you know and love will be dead.


  1. I am not sure any query warrants the derision and contempt of that last post.

  2. Why is she she an idiot?
