About Me

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I am a licensed therapist with a thriving practice in Illinois. As a youth I didn't have any friends but as I got older I found ways to make people like me. Since then I have taken it upon myself to fix other peoples' friendship problems. I like to drive long distances in my car with no destination in mind, just until the gas runs out of my car. Afterwards, I will often abandon the car and walk home.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Concerned Friend

AuntyJoJoxxxx@comcast.net to advisegi9@gmail.com
Dear Mr. Snarfin,
I’m house sitting my brother’s place all this week while he’s in Montreal. I accidentally killed his bird. I don’t know how to tell him. Should I wait until he gets back?

Lucky for you, birds lack the personality of a dog, the healing power of a cat, and the novelty of a reptile or rodent. Purchase another, or capture one from the park. They all look the same.


  1. That bird looks horrific!

  2. You know damn well who this is, SnarfinAugust 31, 2009 at 11:01 AM

    Great picture, Snarfin! By the way, go fuck yourself.

  3. You're a dead man.

  4. I had an uncle that looked just like you, Snarfin and he was just as mean.

  5. Your advice is terrible. Capital T. That rhymes with a lower case t which stand for trouble.
